Qamber Azeem
Monsoon is a seasonal wind which occurs in Pakistan in the month of July till September. It is a wind which blows according to seasons and brings rain with it. It starts from India and Bangladesh in the month of June till September which splits due to mountains and comes in Pakistan. Means that, due to the mountains the wind wouldn’t blow in the right direction due to which it enters Pakistan. We say that Pakistan shares a border with India on the east side and the mountains of India are on the east side so how it splits and comes into Pakistan. According to the border system of India, Pakistan is located on the west side so that’s why the monsoon occurs in Pakistan. Monsoon has destroyed India and Bangladesh and now it is in Pakistan. It has destroyed Pakistan but brought a lot of happiness in Pakistan. In balochistan, 10 people died due to flooding but the monsoon has created joy for the people. I am from Balochistan, turbat where we get a little rain for a long period of time, so for us it is an enjoyable event as we enjoy running in the rain and playing which creates happiness in our family. Monsoon is also beneficial for the Muslims as this time they would celebrate Eid with joy as it would not be hot. I would like to thank my god for a precious gift in this summer season.

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