Atif Ayoub
From the very beginning of Pakistan to this time, there is even not a single period of five years for which we can say that in that time period, Pakistan was economically and politically stable and persistent. The seven prime ministers were elected and demolished only in the first decade of Pakistan’s creation. After the first decade, except for the governments of PPP and PMLN at different times, for almost more than thirty years, Pakistan has remained in the shadow of militancy. Dictatorship, in its very nature, is against the basic psychic structure of human beings. So, the military regime cannot be called an ideal government in any sense. The remaining time period of Pakistan’s political history is mostly utilized by two parties, PPP and PMLN.Though the time period of these two parties is called the democratic time period of Pakistan’s history, political stabilization can also not be found in these two parties’ governments. Not even a single prime minister of these parties could complete and fulfill his democratic time period of five years. PTI also didn’t fulfill its time period. The non-completion of all government’s time periods denotes that there is a basic irregularity present in Pakistan politics. Why could even a single government not complete its democratic time period throughout the 75 years of Pakistan?The military influence in the politics, as well as not upbringing of natural political leadership in our country, has caused this political and economic destabilization in Pakistan. The monarchy-based structure of PPP and PMLN has failed to produce impactful and natural political leadership. Hence, they can’t be able to solve the original issues and political and economic crisis of Pakistan.

As far as PTI is concerned, due to the Covid-19 pandemic spread, a huge economic gap was created throughout the world. Inflation became a rising issue in international markets, and also due to internal irregularities of the PTI government, it also couldn’t be successful in stabilizing the economy of the country. Moreover, the demolition of the PTI government at the sensitive edge of Pakistan’s economy has completely ruined and devastated the economic structure of Pakistan.Now, our thinkers, scholars, democratic analysts, legal, constitutional and economic thinkers, and researchers have a responsibility to find out the exact drawbacks indulged in our politics and political structure of our country. There is surely a substantial defect present in our country that causes all these problems. Although, we should have a prior belief that this substantial defect, irregularity, cannot be cured without a revolutionary and substantially changing of this whole political structure and paradigm. New political parties should emerge, and old capitalist and monarchy-based political structures should be demolished. Army’s political influence should blatantly be rejected by all democratic powers and the societal structure of our country be improved on the basis of democratic equality and uniformity.Then we can hope to pave the way toward real democracy and to the balanced economy for our country.

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