Senior Member health comettee of national asembly Mna Zille Huma said that prevention of diseases is the top priority of PTI government.Numerous projects are being expedited for the prevention of diseases.Others, like PANAH, need to be made aware of the need to improve public health.We will work together and change will come.

She said this in a meeting with General Secretary of Pakistan National Heart Association (PANAH) Sana Ullah Ghumman.On this occasion, General Secretary of Panah Sanaullah Ghumman briefed the Member National Assembly on the performance of the organization.He said that it was important to spread awreness about diseases, but at the same time it was important to enforce the laws.If steps are not taken to reduce Harmful Health Factors tobacco consumption, NCDs will increase.

He said that Already the government has to spend billions of rupees every year on diseases caused by tobacco use. The Health Contribution Bill was a great initiative of the present government, which unfortunately is still pending. The bill would reduce the deadly diseases,including reduce the health burden of the government and increase revenue, which is a win-win situation for the government. As a senior member of Health Committee of National Assembly, you are requested to play your vital role for its implementation.

Senior Member health comettee of national assembly Zille Huma Appreciates Efforts of PANAH ,She said that the PANAH is working for the health of the people. All our legitimate cooperation will be involved,Such factors are harmful to human health, their prevention is very important ,As a Member of Parliament, it is my duty to raise the voice of PANAH in Parliament against the harmful effects of tobacco.


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