Usama Mahesar

Humanity is an integral part of life which tells that to help other living beings, try to understand others and realize their problems with our perspective and try to help them. For expressing humanity, you don’t need to be a well-off person; everyone can show humanity by helping someone or sharing with them, part of our ration. Every religion in this world tells us about humanity, peace and love.But humans have always indulged in acts that defy humanity, but we, as a generation, have to rise and strive to live in a world where everybody is living a fair life. And we can attain by acts of humanity. Any religion you belong to be a human first be a human lover strive for humanity as every religion teach us humanity and share your life with others as life is all about living for others and serving humanity that is why “no religion is higher than Humanity.”Humanity is a collective term for all human beings. Humanity is also used to describe the value of kindness and compassion towards other beings. Humanity is one of the characteristics that differentiate us from other animals. Humanity is also a value that binds us together. When humans achieve something of importance, it is generally referred to as an achievement for humanity or the human race. Humanitarian is a person who wants to promote humanity and human welfare. The divided world right now needs the religion of humanity to guide them.


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