M.Qasim Khan
In the 21-century people are getting used to live easy and a luxurious lifestyle. Technology is advancing day by day to provide more benefit’s to people. With these new technologies people are getting lazyand trying to use machines for each day if they have correct tech at home than they do not need tomove out of their bed for anything. Which has shown that the people are extremely dependent of it.Now days no one can imagine a single day without any tech like smart phone and internet which is extremely bad. If people need food, they do not need to leave bed they just call a restaurant and food
Will be delivered at their doorstep without any physical effort. Physical meetings are reduced, before technology families arrange gathering where they meet eat and talk with wonderful mode but now people are just doing video call from their bed. Technology has made human life very simple and very lazy. Now they do not need to waste their time on shop for shopping now digital apps have made it easy for them where they just choose the stuff and quality and the parcel will be delivered at their address but sometimes they get not those things which they selected. Sometimes they face issue of size, quality,
color many more etc. Today most people are working on laptop computers in offices where they are stuck with laptops many hours which is creating health problem like eyesight issue, back and spinal pain knee pain and neck pain. Highest qualities of entertaining technologies are now available in every home which make us extremely lazy to think of other activities we spent hours on it without of being bored of
it. If we bored than we switch to other gadget like laptop to TV than smart phones. Which have snatched thinking capability of our children. Physical activities are forgot by the people because of technology which have created many serious health issues. Technology has many pros and cons and its major cons is that people are getting extremely lazy they have lost their innovation capability because of more relying on it. People should realize and make a balance between usage of technology and performing other activities which can maintain their health too.


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