So here we are, another year has passed and it’s time to think about the future. Everybody will bid farewell to 2022, a year that gifted us our lives back. People resumed normalcy after two years of Covid restrictions, so celebrate this New Year and welcome 2023 with your family and friends. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year’s resolutions were successful. That means over half of the people who set a goal for the new year will fail! This year, as you begin the process of setting your goals, process of setting your goals, keep these points in mind to stay motivated throughout the year, re-examine your resolutions and move forward as the seasons change.
Start with “why”:
Last year I read “Start With Why by Simon Sinek” Although the purpose of this book has more to do with branding and marketing for business, I was inspires to apply this concept to fitness goal setting. The idea is that, along with writing down your specific goal, you write down why you want to achieve that goal. What is about that goal that is so important? So try to be concise and clear with your answers, and use them to write down how you will feel once your goal has been accomplished. Make sure your vision does not include other people in it, only you. That vision will motivate you throughout the year. If it fails to motivate you rethink your goal,re-examine why you want to achieve your goal, and rewrite your vision of the future.
Goals should be Specific:
Articulate the resolution as clearly as possible. For example, quitting smoking is better than being healthy. While “being healthy” is great, the wording can be interpreted in many ways. Don’t make goals arbitrarily. If you don’t want your determination to wane, set goals that align with your values and have personal significance Marc Prosser, cofounder and publisher of Fit Small Business, has noticed that many people commit the error of making unrealistic goals so clear your vision of goal.
Stop try to “move up” or “add on” every week:
Pakistan was not built in a day.
We’ve established it will take time for your resolution to become a reality, and we know change is difficult, so if you fall of track, get back on track. Keep the following ideas in mind such as Skipping an intermediate task is not a complete failure, Missing a goal by 10% or even 80% is not a complete failure, Finishing a task late is not a complete failure. Setbacks can happen, but so long as they are handled correctly, they will not impact the big goal. The key is to avoid a defeatist attitude at all costs, i.e., “Well, I screwed up once, why should I even try to do this anymore.”

Cut Back on Bad Influences:
While some friends and family want to help, others can hold you back, especially if your resolutions to cut back on a bad behavior means you can’t participate in that behavior with them or they see your wanting to change as a rejection of the way they live their lives. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking and getting ribbing from a group of people you usually smoke with at work, try this: “I really enjoyed our time outside, but I’m really sorry that I have to back off now because stopping smoking is so important to my health. Hanging out with the gang during the smoke sessions would be more than I could tolerate. Again: My regrets.” If you clearly state what you’re trying to do, and that person continually pushes back, it could be a sign that the relationship isn’t a good one for you. This can often be an issue in a relationship where one partner continues with a destructive habit when the other is trying to quit. “You really need to ask yourself whether this is a red flag about something in a relationship that can be very dangerous for you that you want to be prepared for in advance,”
Practice mindfulness:
Anxiety can nag at anyone during any season, in all parts of life and it can be easy to let the idea of the future or past experiences inform your reality of the present. Practicing mindfulness means doing everything you can to be grateful for what you have in the moment, where you are in life, and who you are right now. psychological experts say committing to mindfulness can help you become a better person in less than a year’s time.
So its NEW YEAR and the best time to renew your dictionary of life: remove words like jealousy, hate, revenge and greed from your heart and put words like love, care, compassion and satisfaction in their place. This will ensure that you have great and guilt free year ahead.

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