Fareeda M. Haroon
We must be thankful to Allah who provides everything to us even we pray or not. However, we have to pray five times a day. We should obey our parents. We should be positive minded with our friends. No doubt that after completing our education, we can support our nation to become a leader which is a good point to bring positivity. It is impossible without education that you can be a great kid for even your parents. Such people not only change the attitude but also make you believe in yourself. We should surround ourselves with the positive people. They all make you believe in living and give hope for surviving life when you become a positive person you not only benefit yourself but change your society. Positive thinking has enormous beneficial effects on our health so we must try to become a positive person so that we can make our life better. However, today’s youth doesn’t think even and suicide even after a small mistake. We as a citizen must not suicide because Allah is always with us and helping us out so it’s hundred times better to live and survive your life happily. Mostly, people commit suicide because if mental illnesses, loss or fear loss, hopelessness etc. A thing that can stop commiting suicide is not to be alone, sleep well, be active, eat well, speak more, enjoy weather, give time to your siblings, take rest, write your feelings and be nice with your body, the easier you feel the more you become happy which reduces the cases of suicide.

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