Mohammed Khaku
Nauseating hypocrisy is that Iran is perceived as an evil and terrorist state while the USA actions around the globe are defined by creating democracy, and are ethical, moral, and justified.It is a naive belief in American exceptionalism that U.S. policies and actions are somehow pardoned of accountability for the consequences of its actions in the wars and meddling in the affairs of other countries. Historically, the United States, in conjunction with other Western countries, has a long list of terrorist activities and proxy wars around the globe for self-serving political, and financial interests for the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC).Arrogant American administrations and neo-con media always believe that the USA has the best intentions and that Pentagon is composed of angles and saintly warriors.According to Americans that killing half a million Cambodians and paving the way for Khmer Rouge to commit genocide is justified. What most Americans fail to comprehend is that the US has committed far more crimes against Iran than vice versa.The US has willfully and recklessly created an enemy for no reason other than its own misguided actions on the behalf of Zionists, the Bedouin kingdom, and neo-cons.There are two groups of ideologues in the USA, one wants nothing to do with Iran while the other group aligned to Zionist Israel and MBS are working against normalized relations between the two countries. Crimes against the Islamic Republic of Iran: The US with “operation Ajax”, overthrew Iran’s government in 1953, after the democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, nationalized Iran’s oil.Shah coming to power became a puppet of American-Zionist oil imperialism, and with the CIA’s help, he create brutal intelligence secrete police SAVAK who ruthlessly cracked down on all political opponents.Then came the Iraq-Iran war in 1980, where American geo-global imperialists heavily armed Iraq, provided intelligence, billions of dollars of aid, and even backed and provided Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons against Iranian troops. This was a nearly decade-long, bloody war that killed around half a million Iranians and millions of others wounded, displaced, and still suffering from the chemical attack.USA regime has continued to destabilize, embraced maximum sanctions, threaten Iran with bombing cultural sites, and provoked aggression by assassinating General Qassim Soleimani, and numerous nuclear scientists. No country has any right to destabilize a foreign nation, meddle in the elections, murder foreign statesmen, or an army general in a foreign country.How would we the USA react if Russia, were to, assassinate General Mark Milly and interfered in our elections? The USA has supported Mujahideen-e Khalq Organization (MKO) since the Islamic revolution. One wonders how could MKO bombed the headquarters of the Islamic Republican Party killing 1200 leading figures of the Revolution without the help of Mossad and the CIA.In 1988 a US warship identified an Iranian civilian airliner over the Persian Gulf and shot it down, killing all 290 passengers including 66 children. The U.S. later gave USS Vincennes Capt. William C. Rogers is the country’s Legion of Merit award.Then January 2002, US President George W. Bush called Iran part of an “Axis of Evil”. Does Iran belong to the “axis of evil” or is it vice versa? It is American policies imposed over the global community that are evil.In 2015, Iran agreed to end it’s nuclear reprocessing in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions by the US, instead, Trump withdrew from the JCPOA and introduce more sanctions. This reflects a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder of the US political system which accuses Iran falsely of developing nuclear weapons and of posing a threat to world peace and stability.While Zionist Israel is believed to have over 300 nuclear weapons and it is hard to deny it is an apartheid state committing genocide.After months of legal analysis and extensive research Agnes Callamard, the Secretary-General of Amnesty International speaks during a press conference in Jerusalem, on Feb. 1, 2022. Issued the report, accusing Israel of maintaining a policy of apartheid against Palestinians by seizing their land and property, carrying out unlawful killings, and denying them citizenship. Jimmy Carter: Israel’s Apartheid. is an apartheid state according to a recent poll, such allegations are also being echoed by top Jewish organizations and more from inside the American Jewish communities.JVP: Israel’s Jewish “Nation-State” laws confirm it is an apartheid state. One day the American empire will pay for its imperil hubris which has committed atrocities from slavery to wars around the globe. With the February a Black History month it reminds me of a quote of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

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