Noori Rashid
Ten billion tree tsunami programme is a four year (2019-2023) project by the current prime minister of Imran khan which cost probably near 125.1843 billion. the project is being implemented across pakistan by ministery of climate change zertaj gul along with provincial ena territorial forest and wildlife rides Of the momentum of the previous billion tree tsunami.the forest restoration compoign launched in khyber pakhtoonkhwa province in 2019 under the administration of the Pakistan’s tehreek-e-insap the ten billion tree tsunami restores 350,000 hectores of forest and degraded land to surpass its Bonn challenges commitment cures pondingly ,its known the biggest tree plantation in the history of pakistan the overall objective of ten billion tsunami programme is to revive forest and wildlife resources in pakistan to improve the overall conservation of the existing propected areas,encourage eco-tourism,community angogment.and job ereation through out the conservation as well as its the response to the challenge of global warming the government has committed to increasing its protected areas 15 percent by 2013 (in 2018 they stood at 12 percent and the stant it over 13 percentAddionolly ,according to the world bank over 24 percent of Pakistan’s population lives in property which puts them at greater risks to imports of climate change.this is Lorely because they have a higher dependency on natural resources and are less bole to cope with climatic variability on the project is expected to create in for almost 85,000 daily addition pakistan tons protected areas intuitive will creative almost 7000 long term job.Pakistan is particularly suspectoble to increased variability of monsoons receding himolayon glaciers and extreme events including floods and droughts,the knock on effects of these will be on increase in food and water insecurity. But it’s promising to see the steps that the country’s government is taking to turn things around particularly with its restoration projects.

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