Iqra Rasheed Sial;
Mental illnesses affect 19% of the adult population, 46% of teenagers and 13% of children each year. According to the WHO, one in four individuals suffers from some form of mental illness. It is estimated that almost 800,000 people commit suicide every year, and by 2020, depression might overtake other diseases to become the leading cause of death across the world. Today, many countries are observing World Mental Health Day; this year’s theme is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. This theme was chosen by a global vote including WFMH members, stakeholders and supporters because the world is increasingly polarized, with the very wealthy becoming wealthier, and the number of people living in poverty still far too high. This theme highlights that access to mental health services remains unequal, with between 75% to 95% of people with mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries unable to access mental health services at all and access in high income countries is not much better. Lack of investment in mental health disproportionate to the overall health budget contributes to the mental health treatment gap. This inequality needs to be addressed because it should not be allowed to continue. We all have a role to play to address these disparities and ensure that people with lived experience of mental health are fully integrated in all aspects of life. Our health is a key source of our lives especially when it comes to our mental health; it is something that completely controls our lives. So why not prioritize it first? There are days when we don’t feel happy, we feel hopeless, we lose ourselves, and we stop dreaming about our lives worthy of survival. Mental illness is affecting everyone no matter their race, gender, culture, age, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. How we can improve our mental Health: There are steps we can take to improve our mental health every day. Small things like exercising, eating a balanced and healthy meals, opening up to other people in your life, taking a break when you need to, remembering something you are grateful for and getting a good night’s sleep, can be helpful in boosting your emotional health.

So there are some positive mindful ways that can help many of you: Be patience: Patience is something that helps us to be optimistic. It prepares our minds to become stronger so that we can take on the challenges that come our way. Take long walks outside: Believe me it works amazingly. It helps to calm your mind and connect yourself more deeply with your mind. Whether morning or night just listen your favorite song and get ready for a walk to energize your mind and body. Keep a list of things that make you smile: Lists those things those makes our minds happy in our daily lives. Learn what makes you happy, strong and purposeful. Enjoy yourself: Taking the time for a favorite hobby is a great way of connecting with and nurturing your creative self. Do experiment with a new recipe, write a poem, paint or try a Interest project. Creative expression and overall well-being are linked. Surround yourself with positive people: Reaching out and opening up to other people in your life can help provide emotional support so surround yourself with people who lift you up and support you and express positive thoughts. Be compassionate towards yourself: Self love is the key to talking care of our mental health. The way we treat ourselves and what we say to ourselves is also very important.

Meditation, exercise, our surroundings and self-talk need to be take care of properly. The World Mental Health Day gives us an opportunity to come together and begin addressing the historic neglect of mental health and initiatives like these will expand access and reduce structural barriers for individuals especially our youth, from all walks of life. We must now also work on expanding this sector of public health and invest in creating mental health career pipelines for the upcoming generation. I hope these positive mindful ways will help you.


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