Mujeeb Ali Samo
I feel embarrassed living in this age where there is no justice, peace, tranquility, law, and order though we acclaim our success that we have come out from dark ages. I refute the living standards of people who corroborate their livings that they have reached to the heights. I vilify the latest scientific weapons which are made to humiliate the mankind. I condemn the failed policies of world leaders who think that they are restoring the equality among the humans but disparaged the justice and order among humans. This is the 21st century where humans are giants, but the hearts are brutal, the achievements of humans are matchless but our acts are based on injustice. The science has revolutionized the humans but I am sorry to say that it has flopped nurturing the kind hearts. Alas! The history bear witness that today Kashmir, Philistine, Yamen, and Syria cries aloud that we don’t want equality but justice. I don’t feel embarrassing to say that, this, 21st century is dark in posture and action because here injustice, exploitation of the rights of humans is the order of the day. One the night I dreamed that justice has come to my door, knocking very slowly, the sound was vibrating to my ears, when I got up I saw that justice is blind. I was surprised to see that justice is dumb and deaf too. I broke my silence and asked who made you blind, dumb, and deaf. In melancholic gesture, justice replied that our warlords. I realized that equality has superseded justice and has become a monster that devours the rights of an individual and reflects empty dialogue today. The whole of humanity has become a victim of injustice and inequality because it is clear to our understanding that justice is an offshoot of equality and equality is an empty phrase without justice but rather if I say it is a hallow and sightless puppet existing today in this modern world. The world is progressing in science but it regresses in morality; the world is advancing in auto technology but it lacks delivering social justice. The world is moving fast with the slogan that we first but at the same, they forgot the practice of being the just first. My lord! If this practice is the order of the day then destruction, injustice, and disorder are inevitable. I can clearly see the raining of 40 lacks bombs over a country which is even smaller than its destructive range, I can clearly hear the heart-rending cries of wounds, injured and crippled. I can hear the robbing of innocent children and women. I can see the valleys turning into destruction. I can hear the crying children for their parents and I can see the clouds of smoke over the dead bodies of young boys. This all ferocious deeds are giving birth to the injustice in the name of order and equality in the world. Today when I see the worst situation in countries like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, and Palestine my eyes tear into disgrace. The human rights are exploited by few anarchic and brutal leaders. The innocent voices are silenced in Rohingya whose cries are resounding to my ears for justice and peace. I seek your attention today and  want you all to stand by me and voice aloud so that the enemies of humanity hear us that we are united and are ready to defiant to your aggression and unjust treatment. The infamous leaders of today caused poverty, anarchy, corruption, and led us to the battlefield where the blood of people drops in vain. It is a really pathetic. I alarm you that it is pathetic wake up all sons of Adam wake up, wake up all slumbering men wake up, wake up all Muslim ummah of prophet wake up and raise the banner of your rots against injustice, cruelty and let not justice be in the hands bluff. I eagerly wait for the justice system of Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who has set the best example of justice by saying, by God, if Fatima daughter of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had committed theft her hands would have been eliminated. I am surprised to see the peak of justice when I opened my eyes and found a gigantic universe, the universe with universal peace and justice. The justice when the sun rising and setting punctually, days and nights passing swiftly, water keeping its level comprehensively, in short, each and everything in the boundaries of the justice. I look towards the sky and found almost reality with joy and justice dispensed by Allah in the universe.

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