Pehlaj Kumar
It is disheartening to express my deepest frustrations and aggravations about the conditions at Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The university’s current state is pathetic, with a notable decline in the availability and timing of point buses. This reduction in services seems to be driven by a desire to save money and fuel, but it has resulted in overcrowded buses filled with students. It’s not uncommon to witness students hanging precariously from the back or squeezing into the already-packed doors, posing significant safety risks and causing immense inconvenience. This problem persists not only during Ramadan but also on regular days, exacerbating the challenges faced by students. Furthermore, the university’s admission policies have contributed to the deterioration of infrastructure and facilities. With a massive influx of students being admitted, the institution is struggling to accommodate the growing numbers. Admission standards appear to have lowered significantly, with students being accepted with grades as low as 40% in Fsc or even below. This lax approach to admissions has led to overcrowded classes and compromised the quality of education provided. In a typical year, nearly 400-500 students are admitted during both the spring and fall admissions, further exacerbating the strain on resources and facilities. This influx of students not only exacerbates the transportation issues but also adds to the overcrowding in classrooms and other university spaces. The result is a compromised learning environment where students struggle to access the resources and support they need to excel academically. Addressing these issues requires immediate action from the higher authorities. There is an urgent need to reassess admission policies and limit the number of students admitted to the university. By prioritizing quality over quantity, the institution can ensure that students receive the education and support they deserve. Additionally, investing in improved transportation services and infrastructure is essential to alleviate the overcrowding and enhance the overall university experience for students. Only through proactive measures can the Islamia University of Bahawalpur regain its reputation as a center of excellence in education.


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