Muzamil Hussain
It is not a surprising fact that the MDCAT entry test is a very step toward getting admission in a medical college. Generally speaking, the last morning, the MDCAT entry test was conducted across the country, Pakistan, during it, every individual faced myriads of hurdles. For instance, high temperature, out-of-course questions, uncooperative invigilator, and the high mob. Owing to this, many students lost their senses who had left no stone unturned to bring meaningful colors to their vibrant future. Sadly, these flaws of the system play with an iota of students and their forthcoming endeavors. Undoubtedly, a few questions were out of the course and laid out inaccurate keys. It implemented gloomness and ill thoughts in the relevant phase of the student. In fact, after losing in the attempt many questions emerged by the society which caused respective miseries to adversity, and physical and emotional violence since it is given. The hope is that these drawbacks resolved shortly because they provoke many darknesses into lightnesses.

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