Chairman Khurram Khan of Swieqi United Cricket club together with Mr.Noel Muscat Mayor of Swieqi presented the certificate to the members of the team. Furthermore, provided each and every member with the new Kit from the Swieqi UnitedCricketclub.

In the event chairman addresses his team and encourages the team to work together to give the best performance in the European league. At the end he thanks everyone especially the Mayor of Swieqi for his support and appreciation. Moreover, chairman give credit to the mayor Hon. Noel Muscat for providing such a great platform to promote cricket in Malta.

Hon. Noel Muscat appreciate the chairman Khurram Khan’s efforts towards the Swieqi United Cricket club and congratulate him for incredibly running the cricket club. Additionally he added Swieqi United Cricket club providing opportunity to the people to play and enjoy cricket.

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