Sajjad Hussain Cheehani
Suicide is not an option. Life is more important than that nonsensical decision of giving up on oneself and choose the path of such cowardice.The increasing tendencies of committing suicide, especially in youth, is alarming. Failures are said to be the pillars of success. We should learn from the setbacks in our lives and use them as more inspirational tools to achieve our desired goals instead choosing the path of quitting on our life.CSS & PMS isn’t the end of life, you can be a better entrepreneur than being a bureaucrat. Failure in competitive exams isn’t the death of competence and talent. Sky should be the limit and one should always shoot for moon, even if he/she misses will land among the stars. We should have a strong determination that can move mountains and if we’re so timid and coward that we can’t face failure then it’s better that we shouldn’t opt for appearing or aspiring for competitive exams. Giving up on ourselves is actually bruising brutally the dreams of our parents that they’ve seen for us. It’s actually the murder of their hopes in us. We’re not just taking our lives but we’re giving a more saddening life to our parents who have never made us sad. Our youth shouldn’t have such immoral tendency of suicidal attempts.For overcoming such tendencies social media, print media and electronic media should play their part in mobilising the youth. Civil society should also organise seminars in schools and colleges for the awareness of youth that failure isn’t final and success isn’t fatal.


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