Faisal Khan F Channa
The monsoon rains fall in every nook and corner of the country carrying numerous problems on their back, leaving the innocent citizens at the mercy of self centered stakeholders. But due to heavy rain , the province affected the most in entire country is sindh and karachi in particular. The fake leaders, mealy mouthed stakeholders and double dealing owners are credited to have pretend of serving the karachi .Its fact of matter that all those who feel them the custodians have nothing to do with the problems of karachi . They seem to be concerned only about revenue generated. Unfortunately, karachi
has always had fair weather friends. The present rainfall in the metropolitan city has devastated the infrastructure. The roads are torn , houses drowned and streets have turned rivers. The city gave the look of venice city .People hardly got rid off pandemic as this new problem spranged up compelling people to stay home again since they had no boats to go out for their needs. Moreover, Power breakdown was inevitable in such disastrous moonsoon. Recently , government has announced flood alerts in rural areas . The condition of sindh is the most terrifying in these following days. May Allah
almighty have pity on us. We remember the destruction caused by flood in 2010 . Thousands of people were displaced and rehabilitation took almost years. Oh! Creator be merciful on us particularly the dwellers of soil sindh.

(-The writer is freelance columnist, based in Channa Machi.)

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