Letter to editor,

Kashmir is considered as ‘Mini Heaven’ on Earth. Heaven is a place where there are only angels. In the Heaven there are canals of milk, where you can get everything you imagine about, where there are no restrictions on what you are eating, where you are going but here in mini Heaven there are Bloody Satans came and turned the milky canals into blood. Now the natives of mini heaven are lacking the basic needs of survival. When we talk about the basic needs water, eatable food & shelter comes in our mind but here in mini Heaven on thing comes in the mind of natives and that is peace and freedom. They do not have the right to speak, they are locked down at homes from the last three months due to curfew. Bloody Satans are wandering in the streets of mini Heaven. Due to this unresolved issue there is no peace in Sub-Continent. Everyone talks about Kashmir but no one has the courage to solve this issue. It is requested to the powers on earth who claim themselves superpowers to solve this issue to take out mini Heaven from Danger.

-Kamran Murtaza


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