Attaullah Musakhel
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field that is always changing and has big effects on many areas, from finance to entertainment, healthcare to transportation, and even from video games to self-driving cars. AI is used everywhere. The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to give computers a lot of understanding. In 1956, the Rockefeller Institute was the first place to create artificial intelligence. At the time, it wasn’t very advanced, but it has grown and improved to have great features in this modern age. AI’s speech-to-text creation and language translation have had an impact on our daily lives. AI has effects that are both good and bad. People benefit from AI because it makes their work easier. For example, a photo editor who once took 30 minutes to edit photos now does it in seconds. AI can also make any kind of movie you ask for. There are also many tools, like ChatGPT, that let us give out tasks. It’s also possible to earn money with a robot, and many people do just that. On the other hand, AI is also bad because it makes people lazy. After all, AI shows how creative the human mind is. A person can use AI to do any work with just one click, without having to think or come up with ideas. This means that people’s creativity and efficiency are slowly going down. Deepfake is the worst thing that AI can do. The act of changing real movies and pictures to make fake content is illegal. This type of technology poses a significant risk to human safety. People also use voice clones to create fake sounds, which can damage someone’s reputation. This technology targets celebrities and their families. There are two kinds of AI: broad and specific. The way General Ai thinks, cooks, travels, eats, and does all kinds of work is like the way a person does all those things. But a narrow AI can only do one thing. For example, if we download software to find cancer in hospitals, it will only find cancer percentages and not do any other job. At the moment, Narrow AI is working on general AI. However, general AI will also change in the future. Banks, shopping malls, colleges, and more are already using AI, indicating its readiness to replace human programming jobs. In many countries, AI creates traffic cameras that kids use for school. Shortly, robots in workplaces will perform mundane tasks that AI will eventually replace. AI could also take over a lot of white-collar jobs in accounting, healthcare marketing, law, catering, and other fields. While AI can do some of the things that humans do, it may not be able to fully replicate human judgment, creativity, and understanding in some situations. So, AI can help people in some areas, but it probably won’t be able to do everything humans can do. AI has many perks, such as making things more efficient, lowering costs, and finding data. It can deal with huge amounts of data, which helps businesses make smarter choices in many areas. People and AI get along well with each other. Artificial intelligence is like your best friend; it’s always there to help you remember things like due dates or the best music to listen to. Siri is a virtual helper that Apple made. If you tell Siri to play a song, she will. Siri is an AI-powered voice-controlled helper that works with Apple products. Siri can also help you find the perfect music for your mood. The main point of this article, though, is that AI can do things that people can do, but it can’t do everything because humans made AI, not the other way around. People can think, work, and do anything they want; they can also make new things. AI does specific tasks exactly as programmed, but shortly, it might be able to do some jobs that people used to do.

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