CHICHAWATNI: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday slammed the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf for incessantly hurling accusations and using abusive language.“New factories are being set up in Punjab while in their province, schools and hospitals are in a dismal condition,†asked the prime minister. “What sort of ‘naya Pakistan’ are they building? If anyone wants to see the condition of ‘naya Pakistan’, they should visit KP.â€
Addressing a rally here, he said that such people are unaware of the “culture of Pakistanâ€, a culture where the elderly and women are respected.“They spew out anything without thinking. This is why people are gradually ceasing to support them,†he said.
The prime minister said that the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) does not believe in the politics of bad language against its opponents and is instead committed to s
The prime minister will lay the foundation of two model cattle markets in the city. He also announced that Chichawatni will be connected to the motorway.The government has launched various power projects to overcome the loadshedding issue it inherited from the previous governments, PM Nawaz said.He said that the government has introduced projects in all four provinces to give the people equal share in the development projects.The prime minister added that the backbone of terrorists has been broken and the law and order situation in the country has significantly.He said the government has taken numerous steps to improve the welfare of people. He said government passed on the benefit of reduction in oil prices to the people and the price of electricity has significantly been reduced, bringing it down from 18 rupees to 5.25 rupees per unit.
“Similarly, the price of urea has been brought down from 4000 rupees to 2500 rupees per bag to facilitate the farming community”, he added.The prime minister said his government has launched projects in all four provinces to give the people equal share in the development projects.Nawaz Sharif announced to link Chichawatni directly with the motorway. He also announced to establish a campus of veterinary university in Chichawatni.He also declared a grant of Rs250 million for Chichawatni, besides another Rs250 million for the development of roads in the city. He announced a sum of 100 million rupees for provision of electricity in constituency 162.
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