Huma Ishaq

Muhammad Ali Jinnah (25 Dec, 1876 – 11 Sep,1948) was born in karachi and trained as a barrister at Lincoln’s Inn in London, he rose as a prominent political leader in the Indian National Congress is the first two decades of the 20th century. First two decades of the 20 th century he spoke for Hindu-mustim unity but soon he found consequences quite opposite to that. After realization of this fact he started his struggle to make a separate homeland for muslims. It was indeed the fortune for the indian mslims that they found a leader lide Quaid-e-Azam in the intial stages of struggle for Pakistan. Jinnah’s true political career started when he joined All India Muslim league. Untill the publication of Nehru Report, Jinnah continued his efforts of Hindu-Muslim unity. The Nehru report published in 1928, was severly criticised by all sections of the muslim community.In December 1928, the convention was called to consider the report. Jinnah proposed some amendments, but they were all rejected. He finally parted ways with the congress. In 1929, Jinnah presented his famous points in response to the Nehru Report. When he returned from England, he re-organised the Muslim League. In 1934, he was elected as its permanent president. The Provincial Assembly elections of 1937 swept th congress to power in eight provinces. After almost two years of oppressive rule, Muslims under the leadership of Jinnah, celebrated the day of deliverance at the end of congress rule. The Muslim League held its annual session a Lahore in March,1940. This was presided over by Quaid-e-Azam. The demand for Pakistan was formally put forward here. This goal was realized on 14 Aug, 1947. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took Oathe as the first Governor General of Pakistan on 15 Aug,1947. The same day he adressed th nation ”It is with feeling of greatest happiness and emotion that I send you my greetings. August 14 is the birthday of the independant sovereign state of Pakistan. It marks the fullfillment of the destiny of the muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland. At this supreme moment my thoughts are with those valiant fighters in our cause. Pakistan will remain grateful to them cherish the memory of those who are no more.
The creation of the new state has placed a tremendous responsibility on the citizen of Pakistan. It gives them an opportunity to demonstrate to the world how can a naton, containing many elements, live in peace and amity and work for the betterment of all its citizens, irrespective cast and cteed. Our object should be peace within and without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial and friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large. We have no aggressive designs against anyone. We stand by the United Nations Charter and will gladely make our full contribution to the peace and properity of the world. Muslims of India have shown to the world that they are a united nation, their cause is just and righteous which cannot be denied. Lt us, on this day humbly thand God for his bounty and pray to prove that we are worthy of it. This day marks the end of a poignant phase in our national history and it should also be the begining of a new and a noble ara.”
It was Jinnah alone who made the crucial decisions that led to muslims of India directly to pakistan. Thus Jinnah’s decisions were crucial and actual in th making of Pakistan. The whole world acknowledged that if there had been no Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan. And the nation rightfully acclaimed him Quaid-e-Azam the great leader.

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