Altaf Hamid Rao.


MIRPIR ( AJK),  (Parliament Times) : US-based Acting Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front ( JKLF – Yasin Malik) and Kashmiri rights activist Raja Muzaffar Hussaid has urged the United Nations Secretary-General to support the recognition of the rights of the people of Kashmir over the five rivers, ensuring sustainable and equitable management of water resources for the benefit of all.

In a letter sent to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the occasion of World Water Day observed the world over on Friday Muzaffar, a prominent advocate for the rights of the people of Kashmir, highlights the significant issue of the rights of the people of Kashmir over the rivers originating from the region and flowing into India and Pakistan, says amessage reaching and released to the .media here on Sunday.

” Kashmir, known for its abundant water resources with five major rivers – Jhelum, Tawi, Indus, Chenab, and Ravi, holds a historical and inherent right to these rivers, crucial for the livelihoods and well-being of its people”, he underlined.

“Muzaffar emphasized the importance of recognizing and respecting these rights of the Kashmiris by India in accordance with international agreements and conventions such as the Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers”, the message said.

This appeal, Raja Muzaffar asserted, sheds light on the pressing issue of water rights in the Kashmir region and calls for international attention and action to promote peace and stability in the region, the message concluded

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