Mir Ali Hassan Zehri

HUB,  (Parliament Times) : Spokesperson Co-Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Asif Ali Zardari Balochistan and Hub District
President Mir Ali Hassan Zehri yesterday in an analysis on a YouTube channel denied and strongly
condemned the news that Asif Ali Zardari has gifted a bungalow to Chief Minister Balochistan Abdul
Qudoos Bizenjo in Karachi. He said that there is no truth in the program of the said YT channel. He said
that as spokesperson Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari, I am authorized to say this about unverified and
baseless talk and spreading false and false news in the program of the said channel, the party will file a
case for damages against the said YouTube channel in the High Court and action will be taken soon.
Mir Ali Hassan Zehri further said that if the spokesperson of Balochistan government had been asked
about the said bungalow before broadcasting the news, then the truth would have been revealed as to
whose name it is and what is its reality. Broadcasting baseless news like this without research is against
the principles of journalism and strongly condemns the channels that broadcast such baseless news. It is
self-rented by Abdul Qudoos bizenjo and its rent is three lakh rupees per month.
Mir Ali Hassan Zehri further said that Asif Ali Zardari never asked Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo to join the party.
Zardari Sahib and Abdul Qudous Bizenjo have a family relationship through ancestors and Balochistan

Chief Minister Qudoos Bizenjo Asif Ali Zardari frequent meetings. It does not mean that he is being
asked to join the People's Party or that he joining the People's Party. Joining the party or not depends
on everyone's choice and the doors of Pakistan People's Party are open to everyone.
Mir Ali Hassan Zehri said that journalism is a sacred profession and we value the journalist community
but they also condemn those who broadcast baseless and false news. He said that a case for damages
will be filed in the High Court against the said YouTube channel for broadcasting false and baseless
news. He appealed to the journalist community not to publish false and unverified news in the rating
cycle. Avoid broadcasting and fully verify any news before publishing or broadcasting so that no one gets
hurt and channels or newspapers do not face any kind of problems.

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