Quetta,  (Parliament Times) ): Governor Balochistan Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar said that more than financial aid and charity for the poor and indigent people of the society, there is a need to make them skilled and secure their future. He said on the occasion of the briefing given by the Benazir Income Support Program that the main objective of this organization is to bring the people above the poverty line and to improve their quality of life. Financial assistance for deserving people will help in solving the immediate problems, but there is a need for the permanent rehabilitation of these people and to improve their condition. He expressed these views while giving a briefing on Benazir Income Support Program at Governor House Quetta on Thursday. The briefing was given by Abdul Jabbar, Director General of BESP. On this occasion, Governor Balochistan urged the relevant authorities to make the process more transparent and more transparent to the people about the real purpose of the Benazir Income Support Program. Governor Balochistan appreciated the role of the Benazir Income Support Program in helping flood victims. He said that the vacant seats of Balochistan in the BESP program should be filled with the people of the province as soon as possible and it should be expanded to the level of tehsils of the province.

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