Shahdad Afreeq
Backbiting is the worst habit in humans manner. Because, due backbiting some people left their study and some of them were omitted in their jobs. it is like a disease if it spreads, then people will be automatically affected by it. Unfortunately, we are living in such kind of society in what people believes on. let suppose if we take the example of past people, they also did the same action what they have gotten. Nothing have awarded. Furthermore, it breaks the believe of someone.This is fruitless action neither fruitful. lax people always have diatribes on success people who has comfortable domicile status and automobiles. This is broadcasting and hazard action that revaged the someone’s respect, believe, lifestyle and many more. In addition, we don’t care whether we are doing good or bad. If we make a friend concert in where we spell the beans of his or her. In this era, it is too much common in everywhere we go everyone is backbiting of others such away that he is doing a good work. Occasionally, we seldom do broadcasting in our personal concert and openly pass the secret to one another and don’t think if his or her parents get awareness about his or her secrets. it is a request please avoid yourselves in this interminable disease that is caused terribly in the world. Avoid sitting with such people who always does the backbiting of others. if someone starts backbiting, we need to desist him before he starts spelling. Nevertheless, it eradicates our respects and personality and increase the enmity and reduce the friendship. wholeheartedly, a saying said by a great personality, ” if someone have diatribes on you then say nothing be nothing and do nothing”. It means if someone is doing backbiting then do not swallow on his or her bitter or provoking gossip. you have not to distrupt on your secrets. Finally, don’t make yourself the reprimand of your secrets that is shared. Do not be inane and don’t react on it.


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