Muzamil Abbasi

The country, identified with the name of Islamic republic, Pakistan follows Islam and its holy book. As stated by the holy Quran: The murder of an individual is the murder of the entire humanity, and the protection of life is the very place among the basic values called religious necessities. In addition, there are five basic principles, which are listed as the protection of religion, life, mind, lineage, and property. But, the protection of life comes before the protection of religion.

In contrast, in Pakistan, every individual’s life is pointless and no one cares about humanity. Sadly, on Friday, an incident happened in Karachi, machar colony before the private school, unbeknownst rumors of child kidnapping, in a result, two innocents were lynched by a mob. Yet, it is inadequate to live silently, on 3 Dec 2021, another awful incident happened in Sialkot, over allegations of blasphemy, a Sri Lankan manager was burnt alive by a decent amount of people. Unhappily, there are an iota of incidents that happened but highlighted few of them, there could be some reasons behind these incidents. Such as low governance, awareness of religious knowledge, and seriousness of authorities. Like police and forces. Therefore, if the government will enhance its system and spread the true image of religious knowledge in society that makes the country better.

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