There is an urgent need to focus on women’s education.Founder of Kaushalya Organization UK.

UK,(Parliament Times) : According to the global Times Media Report, Ritu Sharma, a well-known social worker and founder of the Kaushalya Organization UK, a women’s rights organization, said that no nation or country can develop unless it has access to education, Men and women cannot progress unless they are educated. Education and training are needed to bring women on an equal footing in political society and economic development. The role of educated women in the development of the country cannot be understood unless we look at women from the perspective of a responsible citizen,” she said in an interview with the Global Times Media Europe. Participate in development. This will be possible only when we stop considering women as weak. He added that there is an urgent need to focus on women’s education so that women can stand side by side with men in every field.
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