Riaz Ahmed
Child labor is something that has spoiled numerous children’s lives. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, the rate of child labor is on peak as kids in early ages are sent to work. Causes behind this curse, are of expanded taxes from government, the expensiveness of essential goods which have compelled poor citizens to send kids for labouring. Moreover, people who even lack a roof to hide themselves, can never bear the high reached prices of goods. In order to handle economic hurdles, little kids are sent to garages and companies. Consequently, teens remain deprived of education, which in future obviously will help develop an illiterate society. In this case, I would definitely accuse the government rather than fingering on parents of sending kids to work. Because every father wants a well built future for his children. To conclude, I would ask the government for the decreasing of extra taxes on citizens, so that they may get food items at an approachable price and could educate kids instead of training them for labouring

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