Iqra Rasheed Sial
Life is not science, it’s an art and an artist discovers his/her personality skillfully, which is ready to force any challenges of life. A ‘negative’  personality easily says “I quite”, “I give up”, “I lost” and “Never again” but positive or strong personality says “I am quite”, “I grow”, “I learn” and “Once again”. It isn’t always easy to overcome obstacles, to choose happiness over and over again when life gets tough but it can be rewarding. No matter how hard it might be, you will always come out on the other side just a little a bit stronger and a little bit wiser. That’s why life is such a beautiful web of challenges and triumphs. From every experience comes a valuable lesson, and your ability to find the light even in your darkest hour means you are greater than your worst day. It’s a simple truth: Life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow. Why we give up easily? We give up because of negative personality traits like lack of confidence, fear, laziness, being miserable and many more. Every moment of life is new so as challenges are, when we fail to decode the newness of this challenge we quit. People tell you it’s impossible and you easily believe without putting a big ‘why’ to it.How to transform this habit? If you want to live a better life, a quality life, you must learn to grow. Success will not come to you overnight, but it can be achieved through daily improvement and small increment overtime, for this some tips are: Decode: To decode any problem always look for its root cause and hit there with self-awareness. Boost your confidence: Boost your confidence in the self. Do not start with big goal, just make small and very easy target and achieve them and then slowly increase the intensity. For example, not using mobile for three hours, continue with study for an hour or fasting with social media for some time. When you achieve a small goal, it boosts your confidence and makes you fearless to achieve higher goals. ave patience: Impatience not only forces you to give up easily but makes you stressed. Have deep breath, observe the situation and respond. Renew your inspiration: keep asking questions from the self what motivated you to go ahead and are you on right path or not? Always Think From a Positive Perspective: No matter what happened, you must think from a positive perspective. Successful people are inverse paranoia. They look at challenges, setbacks, and failures as opportunities for them to grow stronger in life. Smile when negative feelings are trying to take control of you: Of course negative thoughts will try to creep into your mind daily they’re normal. However, they don’t have to consume you and take over your mood for the whole day. Often, the simple act of smiling, even forcing yourself to smile, brings positive thoughts to the surface and allows you to get back to your pleasant and most productive you. Celebrate your small wins: When you are in the middle of a storm, it may be a while till you have a big win. But you can celebrate the small things and lift up your spirit. It may be a task accomplished, a good report, or that you took the high road when somebody criticized you.Purposely find the small things that made you proud of yourself throughout the day. Make a mental note about them. Reflect on your small wins and let that cheer up your weary spirit. Be flexible and receptive: Rigidity and resistivity stops your inner and    outer growth both. Just be open and unbiased for new dimensions and lessons of life.

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