ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan has said that disclosure made by Indian journalist has exposed unholy nexus between Modi governmtent and Indian media.
India is fanning terrorism in Pakistan. International cmmunity should stop Modi government from prusuing militarist agenda.
In his tweet PM Imran Khan said “ I exposed Indian callousness during speech in UN in 2019.I told the world how fascist Modi government used Bala Kot incident to obtain favourable election results.
He said that the revelations leaked from the Indian journalist whatsapp has exposed the unholy nexus between Modi government and Indian media. Modi indulged in perilous military adventure which could destbalize the entire region.
He went on to say Pakistan while demonstating responsible attitude on Balakot incident saved the region from a big crisis. But Modi government kept on doing the work to make India an extremist state;
Pakistan will continue to debunk Indian evil designs , he said adding international community should take steps for stopping India from its malicious designs.
Modi government is hell bent upon making India a dangerous state despite responsible attitude of Pakistan, he held.
Modi is making India such a country which is dangrous for other countries, he remarked. \\