Lacks proper subject teacher:  I dreamt to become an engineer from my chilhood when I was studying in my village school, Gokdan Turbat, but half of the way, I was made compel to give up due not not having any math teachers since it is required to know math while studying engineering. Now I study in Govt Girls College Turbat and I chose to altere my choice to study pre-medicial. There are a lot students like me in my village where they study in the same place and school which in fact today has not gotton math teachers so as many students have to give up like me. Due to the weakness of the concerned authority, many candidates have to leave their dreams being uncompleted, as they are interested in the same profession which in fact can be their life and identification but due to the failure of the right authority, they have to choose and enter other fields. Thus, I request to the concerned authority to avail the math teachers in the school where the interested students should enter their field happily. -Zarnaz Assa Gokdan Turbat, Kech.

Islamophobia in western world:  Anti-muslim attacks in the western world have a sharp rise presently. The minority groups of muslim population in western countries spend a  miserably life. They tolerate discrimination in every small aspect of their lives due to being a muslim. There is no respect and safety for them. Moreover, they are even attacked and harmed by the religious extremists in the west. The majority of the muslims are not treated fairly or as a citizen. Dishearteningly, near 48 muslims were killed in the two mosques of NewZealand. In 2016, a imam and his associate were shot in NewYork near a mosque. Similarly, in 2016, a 27 years old man killed six muslims in Canada at a Quebec City in a mosque during the evening prayer. However, there are other numerous matching cases of attacks on muslims in west. The innocent muslims suffer enough of brutality in western countries as well as in the other parts of the globe. I desire the UN to resolve the issue of the ruthless barbarism being practiced on muslims. -Farah Farooq Turbat.

Street harassment:   Street harassment is a form of harassment which is way too common in countries like Pakistan. Street harassment includes comments or actions that have a sexual connotation. Furthermore, it consists flirtatious comments or catcalling, provocative gestures, honking, wolf-whistling, indecent exposures, stalking and being touched by strangers incongruously. Among 100% of female, 80% face street harassment everyday. Street harassment in our country is equal to a ordinary act but actually it manytimes results unexpectedly. However, street harassment is also one of the reasons among many that the females in our country are bounded to go out. Logically, street harassment is a disrespect of females and a country which does not has respect for females will never grow. I request to make concrete laws against females harassment and bless them with respect so that our country should remain blessed. -Farahnaz Farooq Ahmed Turbat.

Friendship Holds  The World Together:   In the world, friendship is playing a brilliant role, so we need to create strong relationship with our friends. We always break our friendship because we cannot find the true friendship. Mostly, people are not giving value to friendship because it is a precious gift by Allah The Almighty. When we make true friendship, no one can bteak our friendship. Never disappoint your friends and always believe in them. Friendship is not a small thing, it has a great importance. We need to respect one another. Without respect it is impossible to make strong relations with friends. For a small thing, we should not leave our friends. We should try to be patient when something bad happens. Good friends give us happiness but bad friends give us experience. The wrost friends give you lessons and the true friends give us memories. We should always support them as they are always ready to help us go in high levels in our life. Personal attack can affect friendship so we should avoid it for making that bond strong. We need not to blame them for their habits, we should blame our habits when something bad happens to our friendship. Happeniss of true friendship is  the best happiness that can last for years. Loyal friendship is the luck of one people who has true friendship then he never face any kind of hard things. Loyal friends are always efficient for us. Finding the true friendship is necessary for us. You are required to wait till you find the loyal friends for yourself. At last, friends are like the mirrors that show us our ture colors. They are like the shadow that never lies. -Sattar Samad Baloor, Kolwah.


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