
When one has the all required qualifications for any post and one still can’t get that job then it is defined as unemployment. The main reasons for unemployment are lack of industries and violation of merit.In our country, merit is highly neglected. It’s miserable to know that those who are not capable and fit for jobs are getting jobs meanwhile the talented and competent students are left behind. It leaves a great influence on the minds of unemployed youngesters. When they don’t get jobs, they also don’t think it expedient to educate their children. They hire their children on labour. Hence it widens child labour and illiteracy rate. As money is need of everyone so they practice unpleasant ways to get money. Unemployment leads people to be victim of crimes such as; murder, robbery and looting. It is also a starting point for frustration and anxiety in the youth. Many of them commit sucides just because of they don’t have jobs and they can’t survive in the world. Therefore it also causes increment in sucide ratio. It is responsibility of state to provide jobs to joblesses. Therefore government should set up new industries in the country and take action on the violation of merit. In this way, unemployed will be employed as well as economy of country will be boosted too.

-Muzaffar Khoso

Fake marriage

wedding or marriage has a accomplish role in ones life.It is a commanded commitment and intention that can be done by traditionally and culturally between one community to the However,it is one of the conventions which is placated it with marvilious And magnificent in every decent or religion People do made it by their own culture and unfortunately in Pakistan the circumstances and situations are changed the girls are getting fake marriage where the Chinese men frequently give them some money or other briberies for making them agree.Generally by the name of marriage multiple horryfing action are being with them their organisms are being sent they do suffer from various and violance and aggression.It is the lability of the Government of Pakistan to play an active role for the protection of her citizen’sit is essential to eliminate such alarmed vacation.

-Asif Jameel kully


Smoking is one of the biggest issues in the world.There are multiple people who are addicted to use various kinds of drugs.Tabacoo smoking hookah pipes cigarettes and cheroots.Tabbacoo was first brought from America to Europe. In poor country like Pakistan, people smoke away cigarettes of RS 1000 million every year. By breathing the poisonous smoke we injure our health. The smoke effects the wind pipe and the lungs. The throat and lungs cancer. The smokers suffer from cold and cough and get bad dirty teeth which cause other disease. Smoking is one of the pernicious habits. Smoking killed most of people. It is one of the bad issues for every one. Tabcco is dangerous for every one’s health which can damage the heart and blood pressure, lower.bAnd it is harmful for every one. It is my kind request to the world Organizations that stop the people for doing such bad activities.

-Iqra Saleh


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