
I dislike to tell the activities of cruel families killing our province ( Balochistan) stars or educated community. When I heard the news of Shaheena Shaheen Baloch , a woman journalist, was shot and killed in Kech .She was a Editor of Balochi Magazine Dazgohar . She has been getting threats from militants to leave this job . When she denies, so was killed. What is this ? It is the fifth death in Balochistan. What do you think Baloch people are a threat to community eradication. No certainly all humans are not similar. Ab educated man from university Karachi named ( Hayat Baloch) was killed in front of his parents by the Turbat FC. Even Banuk Malik Naz and Kulsoom were also killed and looted. Seeing these I never stop raising voices against Baloch deaths . So the government should be concerned that such evil activities are prevented.

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