Muhammad Najib

The current situation in Jammu Kashmir indicates towards flaws of Political doctrine with reference to the requirements of arena wherein the dreams of economic uplifting, development and to become the recognized power across the globe or region. If political histogram of Western countries or US is taken into account, deep critical study will ultimately prevail that to attain the horizons of success, a nation who can adopt some predefined parenthesis which can lead towards a system where in a system can address, resolve, rectify and implement these human oriented leverages and liberties. The rigid and reluctant diaphragm will definitely will create an obstacle and drop scene of same is chopped conditions. It means at first stage the political doctrine to be reformed based on some logical, natural and fundamental rules. The mind blowing and aggressive approach is not applicable on the human mind. It might be temporary endeavor but not a long lasting approach.The temporary approach may give an aftermath of declined results after an end of the driving motive. This fatal mistake is being observed in Subcontinent since many decades. The theoretical political doctrine is outlaying the same posture as really adopted by developed nations but practical adoption is away at long irrecoverable distance. The first logical foot stand in support of this narration is the absence of conflict resolution frame work even after lapse of 70 years. Still, the South Asian nations could not develop a proofed system which can work in any circumstances. A slight contention may derail whole of the cooperation equations and formulas. The recent example is the cancellation of annual SAARC summit. This clearly indicates that there is no durable system in South Asian region. It might be observed that such circumstances were in West prior to the commencement of development arena. The development not in only form of industrial revolution but in form of a system making, wherein the ultimate integration of any plexus, philosophy or doctrine is converging on human welfare. The political philosophy of mind grabbing is anyways failed much earlier. The political doctrine for land, resources or territory might be applicable but mind grabbing is failed. The nations who got acknowledged this in its true nature are successful across the globe. The condition of West was not much different than as in subcontinent at the moment. But they were successful to create and engineer a system which will be operative in case of any bad circumstances. EU or Western systems can address if there is any change in the overwhelming majority of the masses. The recent example is the referendum in Scotland. Even though, this philosophy was badly demolished in subcontinent during British regime. But it is amazing that nations who crashed this philosophy could not understand and implement later after freedom. It means that even somebody does not know but due to its supernatural base the circumstances will be channelized itself to play around in such a way that it will be cause of crashing. The situation in Jammu Kashmir is the result of the political doctrine where in the mind grabbing is the central point. The government of India has invested every type of resources to grab the mind of masses but could not do so. It is still the misleading arena for subcontinent which is much and more away from the circumference adopted by developed nations and still political, military and religion establishment believe firmly that mind grabbing is still a favorite and feasible solution. These practices were adopted at great in West but ultimately the scholars, think tanks and entire intelligence acknowledged that the development and attempts to grab the mind of masses are two opposite dynamics. Both cannot be switched on simultaneously in view of perspective leading towards the trajectory of become a successful nation. In simple way the dreams of economic power and engineering a system to grab the minds of masses are in opposite way. It is required to slightly analyze the reasons of this doctrine. t’s due to lack of progressive elements across the subcontinent. The epicenter of power in Pakistan was on and off been in the hands of the element which were holding or grabbing the state given power or which still holding power which had gifted by British regimes as part of a great game in subcontinent. The example is that still the land reforms are not done as usually required by a welfare or progressive statehood. The second holding factor which directs and originates the mind grabbing concept is the military extra power and economic affairs involvement. This epidemic of territorial enhancement, resources and wealth capturing phenomenon is leading towards the unrealistic circumstances for human beings. The byproduct of same is the secondary level power handing over to religious elements. All these factors are the demerits and cause of lack of democracy pampering in Pakistan. Due to this lagging the progressive element could not be pampered and hence the doctrine is not made up as required. In other hand on Indian side in subcontinent, some of these were adopted and exercised superficially but third reason of religious element itself is powerful without acquiring any power from primary source. This element is not by product in India, it is the primary source of power and itself defines its own regime. The famous India social activist Arundhati Roy writes that the Indian democratic system is so old that it needs very sound reforms. She adds further that if the religious element itself holds Hindu Taliban in India. So, the above narrations direct us that due to these shortfalls and flaws in Political doctrine in subcontinent, the 22% of the world population are in miserable condition. Due to these misperceptions of mind grabbing 20 million people in Jammu Kashmir are suffering below the human life line conditions. It is being wrongly assumed, engineered and implemented that like land and resources grabbing mind grabbing is also implementable. Even lots of beneficent arrangements, concrete developments, infrastructure uplifting, if stance is still alive it means mind grabbing is not workable. As it had been failed in West before and will not be successful in any part of world. So, it should be acknowledged across LOC East and West and hence a serious progressive doctrine is really required, otherwise 22% world population part here will only work and survive as source of a very lavish and attractive market for world defense equipment producers. The doctrine of mind grabbing is required to be demolished and political engagement, understanding the issue, reduction of bilateral communication gaps and way forward for resolution is to be explored.-Writer is Middle East based Social activist, working on the increment and enhancement of the social capacities and reforms.

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