Huma Ishaq

Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to accure personal benefit. Corruption may include bribery and embezzlement though it may also involve practices that are legal in many cuntries, corruption occurs when an office holder or thter government employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain. Corruption van be present in any sectors it can be private or government. Power can corrupt and absolute power corrupts abolutely. In every society there are many examples of corruption. and sometimes people rise against political corruption. There are many examples of political revolutions against corrupted goverment. Sometimes they become successful in their aim but very soon new corruption starts within that society. People never get freedom from corruption it is always pervailing in every society. we can never talk baout any society that it is free from corruption. Corruption in Pakistan is widespread particularly in th government and lower levels of police forces. In 2014  Pakistan scored 126 out of 174 on the corruption perceptions index published by the transparency international, its previous score of 124 out of 175 in 2013. Corruption peeped into Pakistan right the very moment it came into existence and still it exists in Pakistan. From the international transparency it is reported that Pakistan is at 134th position int he list of least corruption state the fact is that hte society of Pakistan is highly emerged ito this disease. Not only the elite but every class is suffering from the corruption wave. In any institution corruption may exist where one can use the legitimate ways of getting ahead or decieved by allowing group of people or individual to use their power with favors or money. Furthermore, everyone wishes to get successor fullfill their desires for this mostly corrupt means are used on multiple levels that’s why corruption is cause due to a number of reasons. Poverty is the major cause of corruption. So, people having a low salaries use illegal ways to achieve their goal than corruption is seen there. It may be due to lack of regulation and accountability for intance if the goverment is not spending money on the needy people, on the health or on their education and the government is putting money their pockets then as a result people don’t pay their taxes as goverment has lost its belief by not fulfilling the basic necessities of people and the government becomes the corrupt in the eyes of People. Having looked at some of the ways in which corruption damages the social and institutional fabric of a country, we now turn to reform options open to government to reduce corruption and megitate its effects. Civil servants should get good salary in order to prevent corruption within civil sector. Foolproof laws should be made so that there is no room for discretion for policiticans and bareaucrats. The role of the politician should be minimized. Application of the evolved policies should be left in the hands of independent commission or authority in each area of interest. Decision of the commission or authority should be challengable ony in Courts. Cooperation of the people has to be obtained for successfully contaning corruption. People should have a right to recall the elected representatives if they see them becoming in different to the electorate.

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