Saba Anwar

Plastic bags adversely affect our environment.A large percentage of plastic bags are used in our daily routine which can affect land,waterways,sanitary system and the oceans.Futhermore, these plastic bags release toxic chemicals into the surroundings and cause serious harm to the human beings.Efforts are being made to reduce its consumption and promotion of plastic recycling.Plastic bags have several disadvantages. They are not biodegradable, meaning they can take hundreds of years to break down. This leads to environmental pollution and harm to wildlife. Plastic bags are also a major contributor to plastic waste, which is a global issue.Being responsible citizens we ought to formulate new principles of morality which would readjust our relationship with environment and modern technology.We have to establish and maintain a beneficial relationship with the rest of the nature,so that we could not only preserve nature,but also make the best use of science and technology.Government ought to take strict measures to control and band plastic bags and they also pollute our environment.


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