If the worker’s labor is paid before his sweat dries up, then the daily calamities can be avoided. Syed Ismail Hussain Shah Former Candidate Assembly Valley 04 Azad Kashmir

Staff Reporter:
Muzaffarabad:,  (Parliament Times) : Standing side by side with the families suffering from the destruction and losses caused by the heavy rains. This city is the trust of my ancestors. I am an equal participant in the pain and suffering of those who live in it. Families affected by the rains are not alone. These views were expressed yesterday by Syed Ismail Hussain Shah, the candidate for Assembly Valley Char, after making an emergency visit to the entire city while expressing sympathy with the families affected by the disaster in Jhelum Valley. On this occasion, Syed Ismail Hussain Shah visited the houses of Syed Zameer Hussain Shah Kazmi and others who were affected by the rains and expressed his sympathy. Along with Syed Ismail Hussain Shah, Syed Waqar Kazmi, Syed Yasir Gilani and political and social leaders Maqbool Mughal were also present. Speaking on the occasion, Syed Ismail Hussain Shah said that for the past 76 years, the state needed a compassionate, highly educated, literate and visionary person. He said that there is no doubt that in the state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, many great leaders have come, played their role and left, but this is not the way for the welfare and prosperity of the people of the state and the development of the state. Could be done as it should have been done. He said that we are starting the work with a team of highly educated and trained skilled men and women of the state, the fruits of which the people will soon see. He said that Rawalpindi is establishing a housing society for the Kalam tribe of Azad Jammu and Kashmir state in Islamabad. We don’t just make announcements or promises, but believe in action. Soon the pen tribe will hear the good news.


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