Ashfaque Ali Zardari

Kahlil Gibran was born in Lebanon in 1883 and died in 1931. His complete name was Gibran Kahlil Gibran, he was a poet, philosopher and painter, he is known by his controversial books and ideas which are penned in, book the prophet, spirits rebellious etc. The broken wings is considered one of the best love novels ever written, it is written in poetic style, and it’s language so sophisticated. It was first written in Arabic and published in 1912.Novel revolves around love theme, the story is focused on mainly two characters Kahlil and Selma Karamy. “Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created years or even generations.” Writer says that I was eighteen years old when Selma’s love awakened my soul for love. Selma realized me about what could beauty be and her own beauty showed a path for love in my heart. The story begins in Beirut when Kahlil goes to the house of an old man named Farris Effandi, who is a little bit wealthier than other in that village, when he reaches he talks with that Farris Effandi, who told thd stories of his and Kahlil’s father and said him that, they were the best and close friends they used to spend nights with each other. Farris Effandi calls his young daughter who was in the peak of beauty, innocence, and youth when Kahlil saw her, he becomes statue for a while, he thinks that he has found has gift given by divinity. Farris Effandi says that he is a my, properly, love, wealth and every blessing of nature and Farris Effandi says that I’m much worried about my this beloved daughter who is going to leave this house and become the beauty of another. Bishop Galib has taken his for his nephew Mansour Bey who was, a cunning, greedy and cruel sort of man he wanted to marry Selma for her property and Bishop had warned him if Farris do not accept their offer they would defame their family so fate has cut my wings and I’m unable to fly. Kahlil’s love for Selma was elevating the hights of mountain, but fate what does that human can not imagine. One day when Farris Effandi was called by Bishop Farris Effandi calls Kahlil and says take care of your sister and never come the obstacles in her way. These words produced tears in the eyes of Kahlil when Farris Effandi leaves house and says to Selma take care of your guest as much as you can Selma promises her. Selma calls Kahlil to sit in the garden they both went their and remained silent for while Selma utters some words says you and mine soul are at stage they would not be separated from each other but soon Selma’s marriage decision was done Farris Effandi was not agree but he was threatened to be agree for the respect of his daughter. After marriage Selma become a statue and she used to meet with Kahlil and her husband Mansoor Bey did not care about her where she goes. Now Mansoor Bey wanted a son to have name and someone who control his wealth but Selma was like a barren land for that reason Mansoor Bey abhored for not producing son but eventually nature favors both and Selma gave birth to baby son, Selma sees her son and embraces him after few moments fate slapped a helpless woman by snatching her son, her son dies at that moment and after saying this Selma dies and could not bear the burden of this cruel society which has blocked all the ways for women. At their funeral Kahlil remained silent and Selma’s husband was there Selma’s son is buried and kept in her lap at her funeral some people insult that wild husband of Selma by uttering such words, ” It seems as if the child had come to rescue his mother from her pitiless husband.” When all people left graveyard Kahlil sat there and could not resist any more fall down on Selma’s grave and wept. This is the incomplete story of two beloved who mixed their souls by vows and love but that oriental society resisted their love and made them sad by parting them with each other “My father’s wealth has placed me in the slave market and this man has bought me, this story which lights loss, sorrows and cruelty of that society which cut all the wings of a bird.

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