Aqsa Manzoor
Emigration within Pakistan is one of the formidable challenge which has been hurting the state internally. Aggrandizing of emigrants in Karachi has need to have great attention because the migration pattern has significant implications for both the migrants and the receiving city. Moreover, there are push and pull factors that compel people to migrate towards the Karachi, the city of opportunities, in order to find inclusive living standard. Taking push factors into account, firstly, economic hardship lacking of job opportunities and low wages in rural areas compel individuals to seek better economic prospects in Karachi. Secondly, limited access to education and healthcare in rural areas drive individuals towards karachi where such services are more readily available. Thirdly, declining agricultural productivity due to factors like water scarcity and land degradation pushes rural populations to seek alternative livelihoods in Karachi. Fourthly, political unrest and conflict in certain regions force people to migrate towards more stable urban centers for safety and security. And lastly, natural disasters, climate change, and environmental degradation make rural areas inhospitable, leading to migration towards karchi as we have witnessed of recent 2022 floods. In addition to these factors, pull factors are employment opportunities in Karachi, better educational and healthcare facilities, and availability of basic amenities such as electricity, water, and transportation infrastructure in Karachi attracts migrants seeking improved living standards. Pessimistically, it has lethal repercussions on receiving city, creating discriminatory and messy environment. One is overcrowding and Strain on Infrastructure, leading to overcrowding, traffic congestion, and inadequate public services. Second is urban poverty and informal settlement, exacerbating urban poverty and increasing social inequality. Third is pressure on healthcare and education systems, leading to overcrowded hospitals and schools with limited resources. And last but not the least one is environmental degradation, including pollution, deforestation, and depletion of natural resources. However, there are pragmatic solutions that can be opt to tackle this mass migration. One is comprehensive urban planning strategies to accommodate the growing population while ensuring sustainable development and equitable distribution of resources. Second is investment in rural development. While Investing in rural infrastructure, agriculture, and livelihood opportunities to address the root causes of migration and create economic incentives for people to stay in their hometowns. And last and important one is providing social safety nets to migrants, including access to healthcare, education, and affordable housing. Optimistically, having used above provided solution, we can avert this problem. In nutshell, by addressing the push and pull factors influencing migration towards Karachi and implementing pragmatic solutions, stakeholders can mitigate the negative repercussions of mass migration and foster inclusive and sustainable urban growth.


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