Muzaffarabad, (Parliament Times) : Irrigation department has become a source of income for influential people, Awam area UC Duba Shedbi Union Council Sheddi Tehsil Patti approached the Accountability Bureau including anti-corruption against the influential local political mafia who made the self-styled Kol a source of income. Demanding action against the group that has been robbing the public treasury in the name of coal since last year and their influential facilitators and politicians, according to the details of the scheme coal Bela to Kanari Doba 215 kanals of land eighteen 18 lakh rupees by Sardar Amrao Khan. Get approval from the Irrigation Department and write the area under the 215 kanal scheme, this coal was taken out by Sardar Amrao Khan’s grandfather Sardar Abdullah in 1970. This is his only house coal, the village has no benefit from its area. Further, his area is 8.7 kanals. In which corn is cultivated and no vegetable etc. is ever available, this coal is the source of their livelihood. For this coal scheme from 2011 to 2016, Sardar Javed Ayub released five lakh rupees from the Minister of Forests and spent personal expenses at home. The people of the area said that now in 2022-23, government minister Sardar Javed Ayub released one lakh rupees for the scheme and bought an animal for sacrifice and approved this coal from the irrigation department for 18 lakh rupees to 10.8 rooms. Plastering done, floors of the rooms laid, two bathrooms and a kitchen RCC made, about 7.8 lakh rupees have been spent. If this scheme was not approved for 18 lakhs, then the housework could not have been done. A wall of the scheme coal has been installed and some steel pipes have been installed so that the money of the scheme can be received from the department. Cooperates. To get all the money of the scheme from your house to the bank only the paper process is available and on occasion, it is not a coal nor already ongoing. Only the water to your house scheme in person. It has been claimed that the entire village has no benefit and the 215 kanal area of land is not cultivated. This is a complete lie. The people of the Dabbedi area have demanded that the accountability bureau take immediate legal action against such corrupt people. Legal action should also be taken against the project manager of the irrigation department. Such persons should be punished and the money should be collected and deposited in the government treasury.


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