Rida Shahnawaz
It is commonly understand that beauty and personality are same factors but it isn’t. These both factors are different even completely different. Beauty is another factor while personality is another. So, it is too important too know the difference between beauty and personality In this world almost every person want to look beautiful and every person want to be liked by others but if a person feels that he or she isn’t beautiful and therefore no one likes me So, this feeling can lead to make him low confident and mentally ill person Let’s see what is the difference between these two factors. How can we ignore the negative feeling. And how can we look beautiful all the time Difference Between beauty & Personality People commonly think that the beauty and personality both are the same factors. If a person is beautiful So, it means he has a good personality and if a person is not beautiful So, he doesn’t have a good personality But it is totally wrong opinion. Psychology neglects such type of opinion because… “A beautiful person not always have a good personality but a person with good quality always looks beautiful” In this world God created everything with its own specialty and each and everything has its own beauty There are two things to do Enhance the beauty or not. We should always remember that beauty doesn’t make a person beautiful. The thing that make you beautiful is your personality. A person with beauty can look beautiful sometimes but a person with a good personality always looks beautiful and also liked by others. So, try to make your personality rather than to enhance your beauty. Here is a question: how can we improve our personality. Personality includes lots of factors like your way of speaking, your get up, your attitude, means how you behave with others. A person with good behavior and a positive attitude always looks beautiful.. A person who talks in a good manner always looks beautiful A person with good, neat and clean get up always looks beautiful So, try to demotivate yourself to think that you are not beautiful like others. You are created by God and God made everything beautiful… Just work on your personality and live a confident and beautiful life Be the true open minded and educated person. To change the views you can change the world. There are lots of people who are not aware of this difference and try to make them beautiful through makeup themselves but makeup has lots of negative impacts in our life.

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