Muzaffarabad, (Parliament Times) : Former Assembly candidate Syed Ismail Shah has said that the problem of Occupied Palestine and Kashmir is not only related to peace and stability in the Middle East and South Asia but is related to justice and human rights issues in the whole world under the UN resolutions. The right is also connected with self-determination, Syed Ismail Shah further says that the position of the father of the nation regarding Kashmir and Palestine was very clear. It should be highlighted so that the efforts to solve it can be accelerated, this message proves that Pakistan has a close relationship with the oppressed Palestinians and Kashmiris. was approved, one of which was for the establishment of Pakistan while the other was for the right of self-determination of the Palestinians, which is a proof of how close Pakistan’s relationship is with the Palestinians. Jinnah first started the Palestine Solidarity Day and the Palestine Fund in 1938 to express solidarity with the Palestinians. This history shows that Pakistan has a long and enduring commitment to Palestine when we look at the situation in Kashmir and Palestine. So here are two things in common, Indian Prime Minister Modi has an ideological agenda in the name of Hindutva in Kashmir, which he is applying to Kashmiris and inflicting atrocities on the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on the ideological agenda of Zionism on the oppressed Palestinians. Atrocities are being committed and both of them are continuously violating the UN resolutions.


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