Khawaja Kashif Shamim
In the ever-evolving landscape of global education Pakistan finds itself at a critical juncture. While steps have been taken in enhancing access to education but the quality and relevance of learning remain continuous challenges. As the world scoot towards an increasingly interconnected future Pakistan’s education system take steps with the urgent need for reform to ensure its competitiveness on the global stage. One of the biggest issues cursing Pakistan’s education system is the stark disparity in access and quality between urban and rural areas. While urban areas have relatively better-equipped schools with access to qualified teachers and resources while rural areas often suffer from inadequate infrastructure and a shortage of skilled educators. This gaping support social and economic inequalities hindering the country progress towards a knowledge-based economy. Another issue is the rote-learning system of Pakistan. The curriculum in Pakistan has long been criticized for its rote-learning approach which prioritizes memorization over critical thinking and practical application of knowledge. In today’s fast-paced global world where innovation and adaptability are prevalent this ancientpedagogical model prevent creativity and development of essential skills required for success in the 21st century. Furthermore, Pakistan’s education system also suffers from the challenge of extremism and intolerance infiltrating educational institutions. Radical ideologies propagated in certain madrassas lead to the misunderstanding and sectarian conflict between different religious and cultural group. This also hamper the country efforts to foster a pluralistic society conducive to social cohesion and progress. To address these issues and position Pakistan’s education system competitively in the global arena comprehensive reforms are imperative. Firstly, there is a decisive need to renew the curriculum to emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving and digital literacy skills. This entails revising textbooks to reflect a more inclusive and progressive worldview free from biases and distortions. This changing in rote learning system and outdated curriculum can help to improve the effectiveness of education system. Secondly, bridging the urban-rural education divide requires concerted efforts to improve infrastructure in rural areas and incentivize qualified teachers to serve in under-developed communities. Investing in technology-enabled learning solutions can also help to reduce geographical barriers and expand access to quality education across the country. Additionally, tackling extremism in educational institutions require potent measures to regulate madrassas and promote a curriculum that promotes tolerance, diversity and respect for human rights. Engaging religious scholars and community leaders in this venture is crucial to fostering a culture of peace and mutual understanding. Furthermore, enhancing collaboration between the public and private sectors as well as academia and industry can facilitate the lineup of educational outcomes with the evolving needs of the job market. Vocational training programs should be expanded to provide students with practical skills that enhance their employability and contribute to economic growth of country. In conclusion, the future prosperity of Pakistan hinges on the transformation of its education system to meet the demands of global knowledge economy. By prioritizing quality and innovation Pakistan can empower its youth to become active contributors to society and compete on equal footing in the global arena. Now is the time for bold and decisive action to chart a new course towards educational excellence and national development.

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