Ambreen Chaudhry
Women play a very vital role in human progress and have a significant place in society . They are not at all inferior to men. They are capable of sharing all the responsibilities of life . Islam has accorded an equal position to women in the society. The main responsibility of women is to pre serve the human race. As a mother her position is unique .She bring up the children with extreme care . The first school of child is the lap of his mother .It is quite true that great man had great mothers. Napoleon said ‘’Give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation,,.The progress of a nation depends upon the way the mother bring up their children . If mother are educated , the whole society will progress. Women have always played an important role in the every field of life . women should be given proper education and training .Women had been great saints, poets, writers ,reformers and administrators. They should know what life is and how it should be lived . Many disturbance in the society is created by those anti – social persons , who brought up by wrong hands . In modern age, women are going very well in all the fields of progress. They are demonstrating their talents in best. They are serving as a teacher , doctors ,engineers ,administrator and even the head of state. The literacy rate among the women so in Pakistan is very low . The need is to increase this ratio . More education among the women means more progress in society . we need to utilize their talent in right place and admit their stake in country progress.

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