Imran Ali Brohi
As the annals of human history suggest that societies evolve with the passage of time. Let’s have a cursory glance at the initial phase of human living inside caves and woods and having no proper shelters and desire to move accordingly. What necessitated such an ample transformational shift in the society that left behind everything and progressed in accordance with the evolving pace? It’s only evolution and mutation that change the societies and alter the course of their history left centuries behind. It’s very unfortunate to note down that there is no such a tremendous transition in our society since decades. This remarks the end of human communities that rapidly head towards devastation. Additionally, today, our societies are on the brink of collapse and haven’t evolved politically, economically, socially and religiously. What’s more important that social change is mandatory to maintain a balanced and mature society to keep shoulder to shoulder with the advancing societies. The thinking aspects and behaving traits define the core values of any society. We haven’t stayed true to our core values and have been such arrogant and pessimists that with the time, have denied the change and new amendments. That’s why, it’s high time that we changed our society accordingly and be open to everything that’s new and threatens our comfort and faiths. It’s okay to get challenged and have new things everyday to alter our believes and methods of thinking prospects. Most importantly, there must be a massive change in our societies in terms of social values, ethics, manners, education, and behaving features that get modified time to time. Unfortunately, It looks that we have been a static society and appears that we are dead years ago.

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