Sammi Dawood

Young people participating in politics is like adding vibrant colors to a canvas of democracy. It brings hope, progress, and benefits not only to the youth but to society. A human being is a socio-political creature and politics is to be imposed on humankind. Politics shapes the future and gives hope to survive. Youth is energetic and competitive and that can bring charm in politics and make the younger responsible citizens. Youth can have multiple effective roles in shaping political ambition. When young people join politics, it is like adding bright colors to a painting of democracy. This is important because it brings hope and good specialties not only for them but for everyone. Let’s glance at why youth politics is compulsory. Young minds have extraordinary sentiments and they assume in unique and creative ways, which helps solve problems. As Younger people join in, this means people from all over with different ideas get to be part of making decisions. It’s like having a great, diverse team.Additionally, turning into politics helps young people learn about how our government works, what rights we have, and how we can help make decisions better. It’s like going to school to be a good citizen. Secondly, being in politics makes young people strong and critical of lifestyle. They can assist in making their town or country a better place. Moreover, young people get concerned with politics, which makes sure that our government stays intense. They will maintain helping even when they grow up. When young people are promising with technology and use phones and computers to talk about politics and make things better. And they care about significant things like nature, fairness, and being nice to people. They talk about these things in politics to make the world a better place to live life. In politics, leaders have to do a good job because the young ones will inspect if they are accomplishing things properly. This is like having a big brother or sister who makes sure everything is fair. The coming generation can help others in various nations. They talk to them about big problems like climate change and how everyone can be friends and serve a better life. They say, “Let’s try something different!” and it makes everything more interesting. It’s like making a game more fun. People work in politics, they become companions. They help each other no matter where they are from or how old they are. It’s as same as having a big family. And older people talk to each other more when everyone is in politics. This is a chat with your grandparents and learning cool things. Lastly, young people talk about things that are important to them. This way, the big people in charge listen and make things better. It’s like telling your teacher what you need. So, when young people are in politics, it’s not just good for them, but for everyone.


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