Muhammad Asif Khan

Our Muslim brothers in Palestine are fighting for their freedom and Muslim in the rest of the world are busy with their domestic problems. Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries are busy investing their huge amount of money in cars made of gold and other luxurious living. The basic concept of Islam i.e. the concept of Muslim Ummah has been lost in the Muslim world. If only 10 Muslim countries of the world send only 40 fighter jets each of their air force to help Palestine, it will become 400 fighter jets. It will not be possible for Israel to compete with such a number of fighter jets in this war at one time and it will look towards Europe and America for help, who will not be willing to burn themselves burning in the fire. Hence the solution to the Palestinian problem on the negotiating table will be easy. But this is only possible, when our Muslim ummah, rather divided Islamic countries, work together for the first ”Qibla”, and stop repeatedly appealing to the international community, because the international community is not a space creature that will come on appeal, and It will stop the violent and aggressive actions of Israel, and give the rights to Palestinians. All the countries in the international community are subjected to their national interests. Therefore, you have to solve your problems by yourself.If you do not have the courage, then you should give-up the claim to be the leader of the Muslim Ummah, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, especially Pakistan and Turkey.These are all countries that can be responsible for the economic and defense security of Palestine. In fact, after the Ottoman Empire, Saudi Arabia has been given the responsibility of protecting the first Qibla, so Saudi Arabia should play the role of the first force and put aside all its differences with the rest of the Muslim countries and stand up to help Palestine. Just as the United States has declared its unequivocal support for Israel. Saudi Arabia and all other Muslim countries must unequivocally declare their support for Palestine, and make it clear that ‘we will respond aggressively to any aggression by Israel’. In this process, the money of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as well as the defense power of Pakistan, Iran and Turkey should be used together.


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