Pehlaj Kumar
In the present times, our country is grappling with an array of never-ending crises. Life has seemingly lost its value, and educated individuals are tragically turning to a life of crime. Some are even pushed to the brink of suicide as a way to escape the overwhelming challenges they face. Others find solace in the grip of drug addiction. Drug abuse and addiction, in our country, have emerged as one of the most pressing challenges confronting Pakistan and its burgeoning youth population. The perils of drug abuse are intimately linked to the deterioration of physical well-being. The well-known adage that ‘health is wealth’ takes on added significance in this context, yet unfortunately, the younger generation is slowly succumbing to the grip of drug addiction. It is universally acknowledged that drug abuse exacts a heavy toll on individuals’ health, slowly but surely leading them down a perilous path. Regrettably, our ability to safeguard our kin seems to have faltered. A multifaceted tapestry of factors contributes to the proliferation of drug addiction and its insidious influence on the youth. Let’s delve briefly into this intricate web. The timeless counsel, ‘Seek knowledge even if you must travel to China,’ resonates with how parents dispatch their offspring to urban centers in pursuit of superior education. However, this often results in students becoming distanced from the nurturing embrace of their parents. They find themselves ensconced in hostels or separate accommodations, where the oversight of their habits—both virtuous and harmful—diminishes. While students undoubtedly acquire positive habits, such as cultivating self-reliance and fortitude, they concurrently embrace negative behaviors shared amongst peers.This gradual erosion of healthy habits exerts a pernicious influence on their well-being. Over time, these issues snowball into formidable problems that demand immediate intervention. Regrettably, these habits take root so deeply that they become seemingly indispensable for their very survival. This includes the adoption of habits like cigarette smoking, the consumption of hashish (charas), and the alarming scourge of ice….. crystal drug abuse. In our contemporary milieu, it comes as no surprise that the air we breathe is tainted with the acrid scent of cigarette smoke. This affliction is pervasive, extending its grip not only to urban and suburban landscapes but also infiltrating the rural fabric. The contagion of smoking has spread unabated, ensnaring a disconcerting number of individuals in its grasp. Even within my university hostel, I used to bear witness to students who have fallen prey to habitual smoking, and shockingly, some even combine it with hashish use—a deadly cocktail that ensnares passive bystanders in its harm. Another vexing manifestation of drug abuse within student circles is the proliferation of ice crystal, scientifically identified as methamphetamine. This nefarious substance triggers the release of three critical neurotransmitters—dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline—that play pivotal roles in elevating alertness and engendering exhilaration. However, an unchecked surge of these neurotransmitters can precipitate sleeplessness or, in severe cases, induce psychosis. Furthermore, ice impedes the brain’s reabsorption of these chemicals, resulting in prolonged depressive states following its use. Prolonged engagement with ice inflicts lasting damage to the brain’s dopamine receptors. Several surveys have illuminated that students resort to drug abuse as a coping mechanism for stress. Some are trapped in a cycle of academic underperformance, while others are ensnared in the vice of societal expectations that demand academic excellence. Tragically, these pressures often culminate in feelings of anxiety and despair, driving them toward drug consumption as a refuge. The timeless wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) echoes through his counsel, ‘The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best to my family.’ This maxim underscores the significance of familial bonds. It is worth pausing to reflect—do we uphold this noble ideal? Parents are bestowed with the pivotal responsibility of nurturing their offspring. Instead of leaving them adrift in a sea of alternatives, parents should prioritize their progeny’s welfare, cultivating an atmosphere of candor and encouragement. To encapsulate, your discourse casts a spotlight on a momentous issue. By disentangling the intricate web of factors driving youth toward drug abuse and emphasizing the indispensable role of parents, we can collectively chart a course toward a healthier, more promising future for the generations to come. The gravity of the drug abuse crisis among the youth in Pakistan underscores the urgent need for concerted government intervention. The multifaceted nature of this challenge necessitates a comprehensive and multi-pronged approach from governmental authorities. The government holds a pivotal role in curbing the proliferation of drug addiction and its devastating consequences on the nation’s youth. Importantly, the government should collaborate with educational institutions to implement mental health support programs. Recognizing the link between stress, academic pressure, and drug abuse, these programs could offer students coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and access to mental health professionals.

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