Mumtaz Ahmed Bhatti
Islamabad ( Parliament Times): TBTTP: 2019 to 2023 Performance Excellent or Disappointing.Did the MOCC provide funds and resources in line with PC One? Why did community nurseries end? Were the monitoring reports factual or manipulated? In which forest divisions in the four provinces and Azad Jammu and Kashmir has the performance of the DFOs been excellent and in which forest divisions has the performance of the DFOs been disappointing? Did the Forest Secretaries, Chief Conservators, Conservators provide the required support to their junior forest officers? Where there was a conflict between senior and junior forest officers, whose fault was the senior officers or the junior officers? Undoubtedly the Ten Billion Trees Tsunami Program is the only project due to which Pakistan is being recognized worldwide. Since the launch of TBTTP till now, it is a great achievement of the forest officer to continue despite the economic problems.

Very soon a detailed and exclusive article on TBTTP will be published in which all the behind-the-scenes facts will be brought to light. Anyone having details about TBTTP can send us. Most of the time, the field work was the focus of the media, but now the climate change ministry will also be written about. Did the MOCC perform its duties properly or was it negligent? Who is the top performer in all four provinces and AJK? Appreciating the performance of Forest Officers who have excellent performance and who are role models for Forest Officers will be written in detail soon.

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