Yousif Ghafoor Khatti
In 1908 , thousands of women took to the street of newyork to protest for shorter hours , better pay and working conditions , as well as voting rights. In 1909 , The socialist party of america announced a national women’s day to honour the strikers. In 1910 , It went global after attendees of the international conference of working women voted for the creation of a women’s day. The first international women’s day held in 1911 , and more than 1 million people turned out to rallies in Europe.In 1975 , The United Nations adopted international women’s day on 8th march , when it is still held. The first women’s march was about ending harmful workplace conditions and exploitation. sadly , those aims are still relevant today. 8th March , women’s day is a day to raise awareness of the challenges that women still face in achieving gender equality around the world. Gender inequality remains a pervasive issue in many parts of the world and international women’s day serves as a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to achieve gender equality.Women continue to face discrimination in the workplace , limited access to education and healthcare , voilance and harassment. It is the day to celebrate the achievements of women in all fields including science , politics and the arts.There are many ways to celebrate international women’s day , from attending events and rallies to share stories of inspiring women on social media. But now a days , in pakistan especially some the women choose to wear purple , which has become the symbol of women rights. For that purpose , men do not like it and there is no doubt for disliking such kind of acts. On the other hand , some of the women organize educational events or donate to organizations that supports empowerment. That is the thing which A man can allow you and He will be the part of this organization. Like plato says that if women are expected to do the same work as men , we must teach them the same things. We ought to empower women for education and to give them a better workplace. Women ought to empower yourself in educational fields and to be successful and to fight for the justice on their own behalf , not to organize rallies on the street and making slogans Mera Jisam—Meri Marzi

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