Abdullah Mubasher
The education system in Pakistan is divided into five levels: primary, middle, high, intermediate, and tertiary education.The education system in Pakistan is facing numerous challenges and shortcomings, despite some recent efforts towards improvements.The quality of education in Pakistan is often criticized for being poor. The curriculum is outdated, and many schools lack qualified teachers, resources, and infrastructure to provide a good learning environment. Many children in Pakistan, particularly girls and those from rural areas, are not able to access education due to poverty, cultural barriers, and lack of infrastructure. As a result, the country has a high rate of illiteracy.Pakistan’s government spends a relatively low proportion of its budget on education, which has led to a lack of investment in improving schools and the quality of education.Girls in Pakistan face numerous barriers to education, including cultural attitudes towards the role of women, early marriage, and a lack of female teachers. Pakistan’s higher education system faces similar challenges, including a lack of funding, outdated curriculum, and a lack of academic resources.Overall, while there are efforts to improve the education system in Pakistan, there is still a long way to go to ensure that every child has access to quality education. In Pakistan Colleges and University provide higher education but still there is shortage of jobs. Even after studying harder some students don’t get jobs. Reason can be there are a large number of graduates each year who are looking for jobs, and the number of available jobs is limited. This creates high competition for the available positions, making it difficult for many graduates to find employment. Or other reasons can be like one student prepare for software engineering. He graduated by studying computers but when he went for his test, he is being asked several questions rather than questions related to his studies. Some graduates may not have the necessary skills or qualifications that employers are looking for. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as the quality of education they received, the relevance of their degree to the job market, or a lack of practical experience. The overall state of the economy can also have an impact on the job market. In times of economic downturn or instability, companies may be less likely to hire new employees, and may even be laying off existing ones. Building connections and networking with professionals in your field can be an important factor in finding employment. Graduates who do not have strong networks or are unable to make connections with potential employers may struggle to find job opportunities. To face these challenges Graduates can take courses or acquire certifications that can help them develop skills that are in demand in the job market. They can also gain practical experience through internships or volunteer work.Graduates should consider looking for job opportunities beyond their immediate location or field. They can also explore different industries or consider starting their own business.Graduates can attend career fairs, join professional organizations, and connect with alumni from their university or college to expand their network.Seeking career guidance: Graduates can seek guidance from career counselors, mentors, or advisors who can provide them with advice on job searching and career development. Institutes should focus on providing practical and job-oriented education that equips students with the necessary skills to succeed in the job market. They can partner with local businesses to create training programs that align with the needs of the industry and help students find job placements. Institutes can encourage and support entrepreneurship by providing training, mentorship, and funding opportunities for startups. This will not only create new jobs but also promote innovation and economic growth. Institutes should develop strong partnerships with local industries to provide students with opportunities for internships and job placements. This will help students gain practical experience and increase their chances of finding employment after graduation. Institutes should promote research and development to encourage innovation and increase competitiveness.This will help create new products and services that can generate employment opportunities.Institutes can provide career counseling services to help students make informed decisions about their career paths. They can also offer workshops on job searching, resume writing, and interview skills to prepare students for the job market.Institutes can work with employers to ensure that the skills taught in the classroom align with the needs of the job market. This will help increase the employability of graduates and reduce the skills gap.Overall, it will take a coordinated effort from institutes, industry, and the government to overcome the problem of a lack of jobs in Pakistan. By working together and taking a holistic approach, we can create an environment that is conducive to job creation and economic growth.

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